You move and we want more, more of your presence. Can't get enough, can't get enough.
After a weekend of being bathed in His holiness, it seemed so fitting. She was the princess and I was her prince and together we were dancing and spinning and shouting out the song. (Good thing it's winter and the windows are shut:-) Seriously, her little voice crying out to God was Soooo.... moving.
I imagine God in heaven looking down at us and just giving a little chuckle. As I watched her and joined in (when I wasn't regrouping from the diziness from spinning her - lol) I could almost feel the Lord joining us and being all silly and crazy.
Lysa left many of us this weekend with a craving for more of "Him" As the week progresses, it's my prayer for each of you that you find more of Him in your everyday. One thing that she said that really stuck out to me was..
Start right where you are! God will use you and bless you, and let you praise him. Right where you are today. He knows your yesterday, your today, and your tomorrow. All he wants is for you to know him. Let down the walls and the doubt and the fears, and just let him come near. When he touches us, we aer never the same. We'll never know him completely, but if we let him, he'll reveal himself more and more.

Be Still.... wait quietly, and let him move. and then Know... know him, and that HE is God. Let him show you what that means right where you are today, and possilby nudge you to where you are headed tomorrow!
I'd love to continue to hear how He is working in your life and moving in you when you are still....
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