Unlikely Lessons from a Pineapple
Hello again and thank you for joining us on the journey of becoming more! We are on chapter 6 of Lysa TerKeurst’s book and look forward to the discussion that lies ahead.
After sharing a story about fresh pineapple versus the canned version, Lysa goes on to compare this idea to the Bible. At times we settle for the canned version of God’s word when there is so much more that it has to offer! Here are a few of her thoughts…
“After all, don’t we get into God’s Word so it can get into us? So that it can interrupt us, change us, satisfy us? How sad to simply settle for learning facts about the Bible when it was meant for so much more.
Becoming more than a good Bible study girl means pursuing God’s truth so passionately that it actually becomes part of our nature. The apostle James writes, ‘Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.’ (James 1:21-22)
The only time tested, foolproof instruction for how to get our basic soul needs met is found in the Bible. But it’s a two-part process. We must not only read and study the Bible but also develop the habit of living out its message in our everyday lives. If people say that Jesus and His biblical truths don’t work, I am quick to ask how consistently they’ve applied what they read. People fail; truth never does.”
Then Lysa goes on to do a study of the life of David, really digging into His story and learning from his life. She challenges us to apply lessons from his life to our own. He went back to the fields after being anointed; God will prepare us in the events of our everyday life as well!!
What man or woman from the Bible has touched you? How has their story impacted your life? What lesson from Noah, Jonah, Abraham, Sarah, Paul, Ruth, fill in the blank has made a difference on your walk of faith??
CH. 7
She likes me, she likes me not...
Pause for a moment and drift back to your younger years…remember the game - pulling petals off of a flower and uttering those very words. Now come back to present times, chances are you’re no longer on the playground saying the words out loud, but there’s a possibility those same words still echo in your mind.
As Lysa says, “There is a fundamental need inside most girls to be liked.” She goes on to explain this need stays with us even when the junior high days come to an end because “NO amount of worldly achievement whisks away insecurities and that fundamental desire to be accepted. I know. I’ve tried.”
She continues, “If I want to make peace with inadequacy, I must face head-on those things that trigger such feelings, stop looking at others for validation, and learn to truly depend on God. Let’s call it like it is and say it out loud: I sometimes feel insecure and inadequate. No person or achievement can fix this. Only God can help me, reassure me, and fill up my empty places.”
This is true for Lysa TerKeurst, the president of Proverbs 31 and nationally known author and speaker, and friend the same is true for you and me as well. Though our minds may still play the game from time to time, let’s ask God to strengthen us and move our faith to a place where it doesn’t matter if she likes me or if she likes me not. And when those words from long ago replay in my head ask Him to remind us to use our insecurity as an advantage. Or in Lysa’s words, let it “prompt you to rely on God more fully.”
I’ll leave you with this, “Can you imagine what might happen if we let God show us how to use our insecurities and feelings of inadequacy as His prompts to love others more? I mean, really think about the simplicity of simply loving others and yet the absolute impact that is could make. And it is possible.”
Please feel free to share your thoughts via the comment section of the blog!! We look forward to hearing from you and growing because of your insights.
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