Sunday, February 27, 2011

She Speaks Conference

So... Lysa did an awesome job at this years conference!  I mentioned at the conference that I first saw Lysa at her "She Speaks" conference for speakers, writers, and women's ministry leaders.  Well....  registration for that conference is just now open.  I have had some of you mention that you would like to attend and I thought that it would be good to put a blog post out there to see if we could get a group from the Siouxland Area to attend together.  The year I attended, I went alone and stayed with someone I didn't know.  That was fun, and I formed a lifelong friendship, but I also think it would be great to go with a group of ladies. 
Perhaps God has been moving in you.  Perhaps he spoke to you during your "Be Still" time at the conference.  Whatever it is, feel free to get in touch with me or post a reply.  It will be fun to see what God has in store for this! 

If you want to check out the conference, the website is

Looking forward to hearing your reply's! 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Diamond Trees...

The LORD their God will save his people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.
They will sparkle in his land like jewels in a crown.

Zechariah 9:16

I was just in awe at the beauty of the trees this week. From gloomy, drizzly, dangerous ice storm, transforms beautiful sparkling trees. As I drove to and fro, I couldn't help but notice them. I decided to call them diamond trees. With the sun glistening, it looked like the harvest of diamonds was ripe and you could just reach up and pluck one from the trees.

Each day I pray for God to show me glimpses of himself. As I watched the beauty of this nature, I couldn't help but feel like that glowing from the trees was the pure presence of God. I don't believe we can ever truly "get" how beautiful he is. That his Glory will be so magnificant that we can't imagine it. Shekinah Glory! That's what I thought of and saw in scattered bits and pieces all over the trees.

A camera can't really capture the beauty of it, but I tried:-)

Last night we were able to have a follow up meeting to discuss this years conference and begin praying over next years!  God has been so good to us through these conferences and as we shared stories of lives changed, it was hard not to get emotional at his goodness.  He truly loves it when we are obedient to him!  It feels like each act of obedience is like plucking just one small diamond of his tree!  He blesses us so much! 

Yesterday as I was praying for the meeting last night, he revealed next years theme to me!  I am so blown away at how he orchestrates everything!  WOW!!!!  (But more to come on that later!) 
 Today, as you do your day to day routine, take time to look for God's glory. Where is he revealing himself to you if you just slow down and watch for him! I'd love to hear stories!!!! 

It shone with the glory of God, and its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel, like a jasper, clear as crystal.

Revelation 21:11

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Still holding on...

Does anyone else find it amazing how quickly we move on with life.  It seems like just yesterday when we were all together listening to Lysa.  And then life takes control again.... UGH! 

The Compel Team has already started looking forward to next year, and we are excited!  BUT....  I want to make sure that we take time to savor the time we had being still before the Lord. 

I'm going to ask a favor.  I'm wanting to send to Holly (Lysa's very trustworthy assistant) some comments from our group.  I've seen several things on facebook and had some great posts here.  What I'd love is if each of you would be willing to post a comment on how the conference impacted your life.  Especially a couple of weeks out. 

Many times, it's easy to say great things about an awesome speaker like Lysa (She was really awesome!) but then not follow where God has led us.  If we continue to keep our eyes fixed on how he moved in us and where he is taking us, it's easier to maintain our focus. 

SO... look at this is a little opportunity to re-focus.  (Did I mention sales is not my forte! hee-hee!) 

Seriously though....  Something dawned on me last week while reading on Lysa's blog about her computer issues.  She is out doing the Lord's work so often... and now her Made to Crave Book is going gang busters....  (it's number 7 on the best seller list now!)  Anytime someone is that all out for God, you have to know that the evil one will mess with whatever he can.  SO...  I'd love it if you would pray a shield of protection over Lysa and her family.  AND... I'd love to have a list of real sincere feedback items to give to Holly for Lysa. 

(Have I begged enough yet?)