Chapter 15 is titled, "A Glorious Sense of Possibility," and as I read her words I am reminded of the limitless possibility of our God!
Lysa writes, "The Bible tells us, 'God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God' (Psalm 53:2).
Seek as defined by the dictionary literally means, 'to go in search of, to try to find or discover, to attempt, to ask for.' It is a word rich with activity and a questlike attitude. To seek God means to actively look for Him and anticipate His activity in everything.
That's why rereading of Psalm 53:2 breaks my heart. I wish the verse said, 'God looks down from heaven on the sons of men to see the many who understand, the many who seek God.' But the word is 'any,' not 'many.' Which gives me a clue that those who understand and seek God are a rare few."
Read the verse again. What does God say to your heart? Is He calling you to be one who seeks Him? My friend, I believe He is. He is looking down and longing for me, and for you, to understand Him and seek Him.
Ladies will you commit with me to seeking God more today than you did yesterday? No matter where you are; He is there!! (Psalm 139:10) Look for Him and He will make Himself known!
What blessings does God provide when you seek HIM?? I pray today you are encouraged by the glorious sense of possibility our God provides!!

Ch. 16 - Finding God in Unlikely Places
Where do you see God? Do you find yourself putting Him in a box? Do you look for HIM or expect Him to show up? Lysa TerKeurst addresses these questions and more in chapter 16 of "Becoming More than a Good Bible Study Girl.
She shares, "You see, in my journey to live completely with God every day, I have learned the treasure of expectation. I ask God to help me live in expectation of seeing Him; therefore, I do."
After sharing about an experience of really seeing God, she wrote, "My encounter with Tracey was yet another reminder that the more we follow Jesus, the more we fall in love with Him, want to obey Him, experience life with Him, and become a beacon of light to others through Him."
Take some time and think about the questions she asks, "Do you feel a tug at your heart to live completely with God, but are still uncertain about pursuing it? Why not ask God to reveal Himself to you in the coming days and confirm exactly what He has for you? The adventure that follows just might blow you away.
Will it be inconvenient? Maybe.
Will it cost you ways that stretch you? Sometimes.
Does it force you to live life with a less self-centered outlook? Yes.
Does living to follow Jesus at every turn bring joy that you can’t get any other way? Absolutely.
It is the very thing your soul was created to do. It is the most daily way to discover your purpose in life."
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