aah.... what a day. I was able to snuggle with my Emma, walk on the treadmill while reading my bible, see my mom, my grandma, Carter's "special" Marty, and still watch the boys play games and read part of the bible to them. The prayer room via on the big screen... I got to share my viewpoints on heaven with my grandma, got to hug her in her struggles, as she bids a friend of over 60 years goodbye... As life goes... today was a good one! Praise God!
From my reading, I'm leaning towards the very end. We're on John 6 - 16, and I'm taking the last verse of John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Grandma, this one is for you... Jesus has overcome the world!!! AMEN, and AMEN, and AMEN. We don't have to worry about what heaven might look like, because we know that Jesus has prepared a place for us! We are his....
In John 16 he tells us that he wants us to have peace. Grandma, you will lose your best friend of more than 65 years... (and I will cry tears for you!) Your health will fail, you'll want to be with grandpa so bad that you can hardly endure what many of us look forward to every day.... Life is full of trouble. But.... take heart! Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could KNOW that we will have life in heaven (heaven on Earth when he returns!) Rest knowing that he has prepared a place, and that he LOVES us! He has good plans for us... He loves us more than we love ourselves....
Today, I need that reassurance... how about you????
"Jesus, thank you for the promise that you give us in life everlasting! You weave life together so perfectly. Teach us to love like you!"
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