So.... I feel like a turkey. Seriously, I haven't blogged since Monday!!! How can that be???
I have been steady at my reading, but getting to the computer and getting a blog done, well... it just didn't happen. I'm very sorry, please extend grace! Early in the week Emma had the flu, and then it was business with getting ready to cook Thanksgiving night. (which I totally LOVED doing!) At any rate, I missed out on the blogging. Good news is, like all of you, I'm human and fail, even when intentions are there!
Today, I'm deciding whether to catch up, or just post from today's reading...
Where have I been?
Tuesday - Acts 27 - Romans 8
Wednesday - Romans 9 - 1 Cor. 3
Thursday - My day of not reading this week:-)
Friday - 1 Cor 4 - 14
Oh, so much good stuff in all of these; but, I think I better just stick to today's verses - 1 Cor 15 - 2 Cor. 8
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
2 Corinthians 5:14
The word "compel" stuck out to me here. (Ok - so for obvious reasons!) Seriously - For Christ's love compels us... That is really what the Compel conference is all about. His love. Regardless of denomination and your stance on "such and such." We unite, because of His love. Because he died for each one of us individually... It's our prayer that we honor "God" in all we do at the conference.
"Father God, compel us... to do your will. May your love be our focus, and may it abound. We ask Lord that we may honor you. Make us dead to our old lives and alive in you. May our focus be only on sharing you with others!"
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