So... grace is in order for my Friday post. You see, I had the chance to spend the day, yes, the entire day in prayer. Thanks so much to my friend Shery for organizing an incredible day to pray, worship, and read God's word. WOW....
In Nehemiah 9:3 we read...
They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors. 3 They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the LORD their God.
So 6 hours of the "Law" and 6 hours of confession and worshipping... (OK - I didn't get 6 of each, but I got close, totaling 9 :-) I'm still processing the glory of it, and how he whispered to me! I'm also anticipating that as I listen, he'll draw nearer... (Can you sense my excitement???)
I count it a blessing to have a husband who is so supportive. The kids didn't have school and it was his birthday, but he counted it a blessing to be able to spend the day alone with them. Said it was one of his best birthdays! We met up with Kendra, Kris and Matt in Sioux Falls, and had our entire family around the dinner table to celebrate!
SO.... my Friday post, is now my Saturday post. And guess what.... It has to do with prayer. (Did you smile?)
Today we're on Mark 4-14....
In Mark 11:17 Jesus had entered the temple and saw many buying and selling. And he got upset... overturning tables and benches... and he said...
Is it not written: "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."
As I reflect on "his house", I'm reminded of the modern day church. It's been on my heart for SO long that we don't pray enough in all of our churches. Prayer meetings are seen as boring and not attended, or at times obligatory, but not entered with a heart prepared to seek the Lord.
I want not just my house, but every house to be called a temple of prayer. My church house, and the home I'm raising my kids in, and anywhere else that prayer is offered up! I want it for ALL nations. Not just for my little comfort zone here in Northwest Iowa, but for ALL nations. Those that face persecution get it at times. Their hearts are so hungry when they enter into prayer. Because I have it easy, many times I fear that I don't apperciate it for the blessing that it is. What does a true house of prayer look like?
I envision it (now, keep in mind, this is one women's interpretation) being non-stop. That everything I do has a spirit of prayer over it. As I'm pouring my kids cereal, at the office, driving them to activities, etc. For each step of my day, my God feel and hear my prayers.
I have a cool story from yesterday...
I was in Sioux City, so Tom, little kids, and Matt drove to Sioux Falls, and I met them there. I had talked to them on the phone, and as soon as I hung up, I felt this strong sense that I should pray for their safety. (5 of the 7 of my family in one car without me...) So, as I drove and worshipped I pleaded for their safe travel.
Later, Tom told me that they had nearly been in a bad accident. Apparently some kid was texting and was all the way over on their side of the road, with no place for them to go because it dropped of... He looked up for just a second and was able to correct just before he hit them...
Now, I don't know that this was right when I was praying, but I do believe that God put it on my heart for a reason. I'm so thankful that I was obedient to his prompting!
Today, I'm inspired to pray. To embrace my God in the way he's asked us to...
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