Oh... what a great day of reading. Today I covered Philippians, Colossians, and 1 Thessalonians. WOW...Wow...wow....
So, I can't chose just one thing that stuck out. And, because I seem to have been making up the rules as I go... I'm going to pick one from each Book.
Philippians 4:12-13
12 I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.
This verse always speaks to me, but especially at Christmas time it really hits home. You see, I have been in need. Big time. Like, couldn't afford to eat type of need. I remember rejoicing when my parents would have me out for dinner, and I remember my girlfriend Di having me to her house to eat. I'm not certain that anyone knew that I was likely not going to eat if they didn't call. (or maybe they did!) I wasn't starving, because I had a job that provided meals often during the day. I've come to realize their is a difference between hunger and starvation. I was just hungry (Praise God!) And... it was for a short period of time, just until I could get back on my feet... But it gave me perspective. It taught me not to judge. It has sunken into the core of who I am. (Like, I LOVE to shop at second hand stores!)
Right now, I am in a time of blessing. I have plenty. And I praise God for that. However, I also remember that he gives and takes away. Therefore, my identity is not in what I have, but in whose I am. I don't care where I live, as long as I have God and my family. For now, I'm emjoying my nice house... if tomorrow holds something different, then I'll praise God in the midst of it.
And then the infamous... "I can do all things through him who gives me strength." I am always surprised when I read the bible how we miss the context of so many verses. Don't get me wrong, I typically hear this in the right spirit. However, when you read it with what Pual was saying right before it, it has SOOOOO much more meaning.
Colossians 2:16-17
16 Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. 17 These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.
I literally wrote the words COMPEL next to this in my bible. You see, when planning the conference, it is so EASY to get hung up on the details. We sincerely want it to be a great conference. However, most of all, we want it to be founded on Christ. I have said this before, but we have such a great group of women on the leadership team. Prayer time with them is incredible and sincere. I praise God for that. So... the music may not be exactly what you are used to. You may not have the "perfect" meal. They may run out of coffee just when you go to fill your cup, or you may sit under a vent. HOWEVER, we've prayed and prayed and prayed and will continue to pray over this event. And I trust that Christ will be glorified. Lysa does an awesome job, and we're smothering her in prayer. That she may hear His voice and speak exactly what we need to hear. That is in His control. So... this is a good challenge for me. To not worry so much about what people "think" or if it appears to be all put together and buttoned up. God isn't into the details. He's into us...
1 Thesalonians 5:16-18
16 Rejoice always, 17 pray continually, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Sometimes we just need a little reminder. Rejoice or be joyful always. Seriously God???? Ok girls, I'd love to tell you that this is what people say about me... you know that Jen, she is just always so cheerful and happy looking and always praising God... BUT.... I am the mom of 3 small children and 2 big children, the proud owner of 2 dogs (1 of which is on my very short list today:-)) and I can be down right crabby... unbearable even. AND... I love to pray... but, like all of us, I don't feel like I do it enough. The list could go on and on of my shortcomings. (Tom isn't home, or he'd maybe want to add to it:-)
However, I don't see this verse as a "correction" verse. I see it as a reminder. Whatever is going on in my day to day, God wants to use that. Perhaps it will turn into a story I use in one of my talks, perhaps it will help me help someone else at work, perhaps it will impact my family when the grow older, perhaps it will touch the life of someone who I don't even know... The point is, I am not in control of today, but I am in control of my choices. If I chose to look upward, no matter WHAT is going on in my "world", I will be reminded that God can use everything. And for that I can give him thanks, and be joyful!
I end tonight in prayer for my friend Lynn. She's in the office next door to me at ATLAS, and I've grown to appreciate her in so many ways. Tomorrow at noon she will undergo surgery to determine if she has liver cancer. "God, I pray that you would take these circumstances and use them for your glory. You know my heart would be for mis diagnosis and complete healing. However, I trust you in all circumstances God. Lynn is in need right now God. She needs your healing hand, and the peace that surpasses all understanding. At the same time God, let her have plenty. Plenty prayers, plenty faith, and plenty love. Block Satan in his attacks now Lord, that she may see you and you alone as she undergoes what might be one of the scariest days of her life tomorrow! Thanks for your promise that we should give thanks in all circumstances, for this is your will. May we give you thanks for this trial that Lynn is going through, and may we be obedient to the path laid out for us."
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Pour your love on me...
Ok - I feel like I'm full of excuses, but... if any of you are mom's you will get what the end of a 4 day holiday weekend is like. Top it of with the twins waking in the middle of the night with the flu, and you'll get why I'm combining Sunday and Monday.
2 Cor. 9 - Gal. 5 - was Sunday
In Galatians 5:6 we read
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
As a preface, remember that Paul is talking about circumcision, which was an outward sign of status and place. More so, he's talking about what I call religiosity. How by following the "religious law" we think we are earning our way into heaven, when in reality, many times it produces pride that separates us from God instead of drawing us closer to him.
So, this verse really says alot about how to draw closer to God... It's not by strict compliance to the law... It's by loving. Love your neighbor as yourself. When we love, we will naturally follow the law. God's spirit will guide us, and our decisions will reflect His love.
Gal 6 - Eph 6 - is today - Monday (and WHAT a Monday:-)) I actually didn't get 10 in, as I wanted to end at Ephesians and hold off on Philippians until tomorrow!
Eph 3:16-19
16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Continuing on with the "love" thoughts. If the spirit dwells in our inner being.... we can be rooted and established in love. But I still don't think that we get it. I think of the temple and the angels crying "Holy, Holy, Holy..." I think maybe, just maybe, they are truly beginning to grasp the love of Christ, and be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. I don't think that we as humans can even begin to imagine it. So when we think we're loving enough, when our pride gets in the way, when we think "well, I'm not going to get walked all over here," whenever we aren't focused on loving and showing love, it's because we can't yet grasp the fullness of God. We can't truly comprehend His "love." Although he may reveal himself to us more and more each day, until he comes again, I don't think we will truly understand.
"Father God... Thank you for your love for us. A love that we can't even phathom. God, I want to learn more about yoru love, so that I, in turn, can do a better job of loving others. Reveal yourself to me and give me wisdom and understanding. And then, help me to not be lazy, but to pour that love onto others. Help me to see clearly situations where you would pour your love out, and then give me the courage to just let it ooze out of me."
2 Cor. 9 - Gal. 5 - was Sunday
In Galatians 5:6 we read
"The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love."
As a preface, remember that Paul is talking about circumcision, which was an outward sign of status and place. More so, he's talking about what I call religiosity. How by following the "religious law" we think we are earning our way into heaven, when in reality, many times it produces pride that separates us from God instead of drawing us closer to him.
So, this verse really says alot about how to draw closer to God... It's not by strict compliance to the law... It's by loving. Love your neighbor as yourself. When we love, we will naturally follow the law. God's spirit will guide us, and our decisions will reflect His love.

Gal 6 - Eph 6 - is today - Monday (and WHAT a Monday:-)) I actually didn't get 10 in, as I wanted to end at Ephesians and hold off on Philippians until tomorrow!
Eph 3:16-19
16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being, 17 so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.
Continuing on with the "love" thoughts. If the spirit dwells in our inner being.... we can be rooted and established in love. But I still don't think that we get it. I think of the temple and the angels crying "Holy, Holy, Holy..." I think maybe, just maybe, they are truly beginning to grasp the love of Christ, and be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God. I don't think that we as humans can even begin to imagine it. So when we think we're loving enough, when our pride gets in the way, when we think "well, I'm not going to get walked all over here," whenever we aren't focused on loving and showing love, it's because we can't yet grasp the fullness of God. We can't truly comprehend His "love." Although he may reveal himself to us more and more each day, until he comes again, I don't think we will truly understand.
"Father God... Thank you for your love for us. A love that we can't even phathom. God, I want to learn more about yoru love, so that I, in turn, can do a better job of loving others. Reveal yourself to me and give me wisdom and understanding. And then, help me to not be lazy, but to pour that love onto others. Help me to see clearly situations where you would pour your love out, and then give me the courage to just let it ooze out of me."
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Feelin like a turkey...

So.... I feel like a turkey. Seriously, I haven't blogged since Monday!!! How can that be???
I have been steady at my reading, but getting to the computer and getting a blog done, well... it just didn't happen. I'm very sorry, please extend grace! Early in the week Emma had the flu, and then it was business with getting ready to cook Thanksgiving night. (which I totally LOVED doing!) At any rate, I missed out on the blogging. Good news is, like all of you, I'm human and fail, even when intentions are there!
Today, I'm deciding whether to catch up, or just post from today's reading...
Where have I been?
Tuesday - Acts 27 - Romans 8
Wednesday - Romans 9 - 1 Cor. 3
Thursday - My day of not reading this week:-)
Friday - 1 Cor 4 - 14
Oh, so much good stuff in all of these; but, I think I better just stick to today's verses - 1 Cor 15 - 2 Cor. 8
For Christ’s love compels us, because we are convinced that one died for all, and therefore all died.
2 Corinthians 5:14
The word "compel" stuck out to me here. (Ok - so for obvious reasons!) Seriously - For Christ's love compels us... That is really what the Compel conference is all about. His love. Regardless of denomination and your stance on "such and such." We unite, because of His love. Because he died for each one of us individually... It's our prayer that we honor "God" in all we do at the conference.
"Father God, compel us... to do your will. May your love be our focus, and may it abound. We ask Lord that we may honor you. Make us dead to our old lives and alive in you. May our focus be only on sharing you with others!"
Monday, November 22, 2010
The Beach...
Ok - I'll get serious in a minute... But first.... (seriuosly... it's been freezing rain and icy all day, how could I not get stuck at the word "beach")
Acts 16 - 26... Within in these scriptures are the only mentions in the bible of one of my loves in life... The beach... (mentioned 3 times) More specific - praying at the beach! (Acts 21:5)

At least once a year (I'm spoiled, I know!) my husband indulges me and takes me to the beach. I can seriously lay there for hours singing and praying and lost in my own little world with God. Day after day! If I didn't have kids... I'm thinking it might be an issue!
now mind you, Paul is heading into a horribly dangerous situation (and the other 2 times it is mentioned, is in the midst of that situation). What becomes clear to me, is that he is answering God's call. When they prayed for him at the beach, it wasn't just for sunshine and warmth. It was for God to lead in a major sense of the word lead! As a vacationer, this evokes a sense of calmness and relaxation. For Paul, the beach was the calm before and during the storm, and prayers of protection were overflowing. As a simple Iowa girl, who only sees the beach on vacation, it's hard to imagine.
The other thing that sticks out to me in this verse is his intentional mention of women.
Acts 21:5
When it was time to leave, we left and continued on our way. All of them, including wives and children, accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.
At various times throughout Acts, Paul is intentional about mentioning women. (Acts 16, 17,18, ...) Jesus also had these tendencies, to specifically mention women, so as to purpose their cause and place in society. They were always welcome, as were the children. Acts 21:9 - the four unmarried daughters who prophesied (thus indicating that women had their important place to take part in God's work.) are a bold statement for that time period. That they should receive directly from God!
I'd also be feeling bad if I didn't mention that the Simply Grace (Acts 20:24) is in this section. Testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
- Or the verse that we give to Tom every year for Christmas - 20:35 - "we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "it is more blessed to give than to receive."
I could go on and on about these Chapters. For some reason, as I write this, the word "focus" is in my heart. So many of these verses are about where our focus is. (or is not...)
Acts 16 - 26... Within in these scriptures are the only mentions in the bible of one of my loves in life... The beach... (mentioned 3 times) More specific - praying at the beach! (Acts 21:5)

At least once a year (I'm spoiled, I know!) my husband indulges me and takes me to the beach. I can seriously lay there for hours singing and praying and lost in my own little world with God. Day after day! If I didn't have kids... I'm thinking it might be an issue!
now mind you, Paul is heading into a horribly dangerous situation (and the other 2 times it is mentioned, is in the midst of that situation). What becomes clear to me, is that he is answering God's call. When they prayed for him at the beach, it wasn't just for sunshine and warmth. It was for God to lead in a major sense of the word lead! As a vacationer, this evokes a sense of calmness and relaxation. For Paul, the beach was the calm before and during the storm, and prayers of protection were overflowing. As a simple Iowa girl, who only sees the beach on vacation, it's hard to imagine.
The other thing that sticks out to me in this verse is his intentional mention of women.
Acts 21:5
When it was time to leave, we left and continued on our way. All of them, including wives and children, accompanied us out of the city, and there on the beach we knelt to pray.
At various times throughout Acts, Paul is intentional about mentioning women. (Acts 16, 17,18, ...) Jesus also had these tendencies, to specifically mention women, so as to purpose their cause and place in society. They were always welcome, as were the children. Acts 21:9 - the four unmarried daughters who prophesied (thus indicating that women had their important place to take part in God's work.) are a bold statement for that time period. That they should receive directly from God!
I'd also be feeling bad if I didn't mention that the Simply Grace (Acts 20:24) is in this section. Testifying to the gospel of God's grace.
- Or the verse that we give to Tom every year for Christmas - 20:35 - "we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: "it is more blessed to give than to receive."
I could go on and on about these Chapters. For some reason, as I write this, the word "focus" is in my heart. So many of these verses are about where our focus is. (or is not...)
"God, I pray that you make give me clarity as I try to focus on you. Remove my distractions, my pride, my inequity, and just allow me to focus on you. Even in times of trial (which we know are coming!), may I stand firm like Paul, focus on you and your perfect will, and proclaim you boldly!"

Acts 5 - 15 is where we're at... Sorry for the lazy weekend. The kids had a swim meet on Saturday and Tom went to the Vikings/Packers game with Matt for his 21st Birthday, so I was busy being mom.... Got my reading done, but posting was another thing:-)
So.... I didn't pick just one verse from this portion of Acts. Instead, I'm loving all the verses that reference baptism and being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The go hand in hand in so many places. I praise God for his Holy Spirit. I know this can be a controversial issues, but it seems so clear to me in scripture. I can't imagine life without being filled with His Spirit. He blesses us in so many ways with his presence in and through us. WOW... I'd encourage each of you to re-read these sections for scripture and ask God to reveal himself in new ways. Be open minded and let him show you his goodness. He really is our best friend!
"Thank you Lord for being a triune God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. You work in so many wonderful ways in our lives.. I ask that you continue to reveal yourself to me. As I draw close to you God, may you draw closer to me. I want to know you more. I want to experience your Holy Spirit working in my life more and for your glory. Rekindle the fire Lord..."
Friday, November 19, 2010
It is Finished...

Today my 10 chapers were John 17 - Acts 5
Much of what I read in John was the crucifixion of Jesus. This is the 4th gospel that I have read this in during my reading time, but for some reason, these words really stand out to me.
It's been a week of loss. Many dear people said "It is finished..." this week. My grandma's dear friend, Ruth Elliott. A dear lady that I worked with at Advance Brands - Marilyn Kruid, My great aunt, Teresa Pick, and sweet precious Jude Willem Kroeze, and then today, Matthews favorite cat Jax. My heart breaks for each of these families. Losing those we love can seem unbearable. I say it all the time, but... what would we do without faith.
So, "It is finished..." means something new to me this week. It means, the walk here on Earth is done. But... "it" hasn't yet begun. Our eternity in heaven, Jesus coming again to Earth and brining heaven with him... that has yet to begin. So... while we focus on the "end," I'm so glad that we know that we haven't even began eternity. And while what seems unbearable today for so many is hard, we get to have the assurance that because we believe that He died on that cross, that He defeated Satan, that He rose again and then ascended into heaven, we get to have life for forever. Life as we know it will end, but as always, God has big plans for us. Plans for eternity. We can't imagine his glory, but soon, (and if things keep up at the rate they were this week, sooner than we think:-) we will be with him and experiencing joy we can't even begin to imagine.
"Thank you Jesus. Thank you for obedience and for dying on the cross. Thanks for takin Satan, so that we can all "rise from the dead" into eternity! We are so unworthy of claiming the benefit of the suffering that you had. May we praise you and worhip you and may you find hearts full of love and gratitude. We know that for many this week, their present life ended. We pray supernatural peace for their families as they transition into the new day. And until the day comes, when you return and say the final "It is finished" may you find us seeking you and your will."
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Take Heart...

aah.... what a day. I was able to snuggle with my Emma, walk on the treadmill while reading my bible, see my mom, my grandma, Carter's "special" Marty, and still watch the boys play games and read part of the bible to them. The prayer room via on the big screen... I got to share my viewpoints on heaven with my grandma, got to hug her in her struggles, as she bids a friend of over 60 years goodbye... As life goes... today was a good one! Praise God!
From my reading, I'm leaning towards the very end. We're on John 6 - 16, and I'm taking the last verse of John 16:33
I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Grandma, this one is for you... Jesus has overcome the world!!! AMEN, and AMEN, and AMEN. We don't have to worry about what heaven might look like, because we know that Jesus has prepared a place for us! We are his....
In John 16 he tells us that he wants us to have peace. Grandma, you will lose your best friend of more than 65 years... (and I will cry tears for you!) Your health will fail, you'll want to be with grandpa so bad that you can hardly endure what many of us look forward to every day.... Life is full of trouble. But.... take heart! Jesus died on the cross for our sins so that we could KNOW that we will have life in heaven (heaven on Earth when he returns!) Rest knowing that he has prepared a place, and that he LOVES us! He has good plans for us... He loves us more than we love ourselves....
Today, I need that reassurance... how about you????
"Jesus, thank you for the promise that you give us in life everlasting! You weave life together so perfectly. Teach us to love like you!"
The last supper...

I have always had a love for the last supper. I imagine sitting around the table with the greatest leader of all times. Being ordinary with him. I love to get to know people for who they are and just be natural with them. (Not one for all the formality and superficial stuff, as it's hard to get to know the real person!) I used to think that alot of this was formality. As I've gotten older, I see it more as an opportunity to see and get to know Jesus in a more personal "friendship" kind of way. While washing feet seems ceremonial to us, in Bible times it was totally natural. After all, they didn't walk around in Nike's! So I see that like us washing our hands before we eat, or going to the restroom before you get into the car (can you tell I have little kids:-)) It's just something you do!
But... how Jesus did it was amazing. With love and humility. Serving them. It's about the posture... He submitted himself. Time and again, I read this part of scripture and think - if only I could be a leader like that...
Anyway... today's verse is from this story...
John 13: 25-27
25 Leaning back against Jesus, he asked him, “Lord, who is it?”
26 Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. 27 As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him.
For some reason this verse opened my eyes that Satan is really everywhere. Seriously - this was the last supper. And he entered into Judas there???? Just lurking and waiting to prompt with evil thoughts... It truly makes me sad. And, was Judas really that bad? Or that different from us?
HOWEVER, it also makes me rejoice that had itnot be for the Father's plan, Jesus wuold not have allowed this to happen. He KNEW it was going to happen, and mean his betrayal and death. He had the advantage of knowing the entire story! He knew, that he would soon rise from the dead after defeating this same Satan, bringing with him eternal life! So... in the big picture, this was an important piece for the plan.
So... I can be aware that Satan is really everywhere... But, I should be rejoicing that I don't have to worry about anything but listening to God. If I am close to him,
"Father God - thank you for the reassurance that your plan is always greater than ours. Today, as I watch 2 elderly women I deeply respected enter your kingdom of glory, and read updates about a young couple delivering their precious stillborn son, I can't help but to think how great it would be to know your greater plan. And yet, satan is always there. And he brings with him suffering and pain. but you bring peace. Not comfort... we will have troubles! But peace.... Jesus had the peace of knowing that Judas was key to the plan you had for him. May this passage give all peace, that you have a plan in all things, and are in control of all things. May we strive to be humble and lead like Jesus. Really God, who hands his betrayer bread and dines at the table with him, and washes his feet? - only a humble leader! I want more of you. More humility."
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Those Eyes...
Today... Luke 20 - John 6
Luke 22:61 - The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.
So, those words alone aren't so profound. However, in context, they are bone chilling. You see, Jesus had predicted Peter's denial. Jesus was the only apostle that was daring enough to stay close to Jesus when they arrested him. Yeah Peter! but then it happened.... 3 times he denied him. Imagine these eyes turning to you after your third time denying him...

I read this and I thought to myself... Sitting here, it's easy to think - wow Peter, he told you what would happen and you still fell prey to Satan. But, seriously, what makes me think I would be any different. I've been convicted alot lately about fear of man. Not fear of death, but just what they will think of me. So, who am I to scoff Peter... He was fearful of death. I, on the other hand, hold back at times, because I'm afraid of offending others, or of what they will think.... Convicting!
"Lord, I ask that I would have the courage to ALWAYS acknowledge you. Even if that means embarassment. Remove my pride and help me to walk firm in your directions. Guide my steps and give me wisdom and boldness!"
Luke 22:61 - The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter.
So, those words alone aren't so profound. However, in context, they are bone chilling. You see, Jesus had predicted Peter's denial. Jesus was the only apostle that was daring enough to stay close to Jesus when they arrested him. Yeah Peter! but then it happened.... 3 times he denied him. Imagine these eyes turning to you after your third time denying him...

I read this and I thought to myself... Sitting here, it's easy to think - wow Peter, he told you what would happen and you still fell prey to Satan. But, seriously, what makes me think I would be any different. I've been convicted alot lately about fear of man. Not fear of death, but just what they will think of me. So, who am I to scoff Peter... He was fearful of death. I, on the other hand, hold back at times, because I'm afraid of offending others, or of what they will think.... Convicting!
"Lord, I ask that I would have the courage to ALWAYS acknowledge you. Even if that means embarassment. Remove my pride and help me to walk firm in your directions. Guide my steps and give me wisdom and boldness!"
Given Much...

So, I'm posting early today because I got sleepy last night!
Yesterday was Luke 9 - 19.
There were so many good stories in this section, that it is hard to chose just one to write about. I flipped through again, and here is where I'm pondering today...
Luke 12:47-48
47 “The servant who knows the master’s will and does not get ready or does not do what the master wants will be beaten with many blows. 48 But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
To put it in context.. Jesus is telling the parable about putting the manager in charge of the servants for their food allowance, and that it is wise to find him doing so when he returns. (and that he is coming when we don't expect him)
You see, I had heard this verse often over the years. To him who has been given much... However, it was always in the context of earthly things. You know, Food, housing, money, etc. All material things. And we were to share that... ok - got it.
Now as I read it, I think HOLD ON.... In it's full context, I read it to mean so much more! (Those of you who are bible wise can roll your eyes at me, it's ok... I'm thinking I might be a little slow in getting this one!)
The servant who knows his masters will - That's us, knowing God's will. How do we do that? Get into his word. If we don't know his will - the punishment will be less. This makes me think of His grace. And the day of righteousness. I think abut my kids. If they do something wrong, knowing that it is against the rules, I tend to be more severe with their punishment. However, if they do something wrong, and really didn't know that it was wrong (mind you, Emma claims this alot at the age of 4!) leniency is in order. A word I've used is "willfully disobedient" I also think that because He knows the condition of our heart, grace is applied.
So, if you have been given much, much will be demanded. Yes, earthly blessings probably fall into here. However, I'm thinking about the spiritual gifts that he gives us, along with his word. If he gives you the gift of wisdom, and you don't use it to help others understand, what have you done with the gift he has given you. Perhaps you have the gift of teaching, but you say... Lord I'm too busy, let someone else do it... Or maybe your an intercessor, and yet find yourself saying, Lord I'm too busy to pray. If you're a believer, he has given you gifts. Discover them, walk into them, and use them! To whom much is given, much will be demanded. WHAT A PRIVELAGE. To use your gifts from God for His glory.
So... as I ponder this from a "knowing his will" perspective... We have all (likely) been given a bible. We have the ability to "know his will." With out the Holy Spirit, it may be scary to hear, the more you know of your bible, the more is expected of you! However, because of the Holy Spirit, the mroe we know, the more hungry we will be for it. And the expectations will be considered pure joy!
I firmly believe that I'm in a season of life that God is showing me more of "His will" so that I am able to be asked. I also know that their is SO MUCH more knowledge that I haven't tapped into. We can never know him completely! Wow...
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My hometown...
Aaahhh.. the Lord's day! I love a day of rest!
Day 6...
Today's reading was Mark 15 - Luke 8.
I paused at Luke 4:24-27
24 “Truly I tell you,” he continued, “no prophet is accepted in his hometown. 25 I assure you that there were many widows in Israel in Elijah’s time, when the sky was shut for three and a half years and there was a severe famine throughout the land. 26 Yet Elijah was not sent to any of them, but to a widow in Zarephath in the region of Sidon. 27 And there were many in Israel with leprosy[a] in the time of Elisha the prophet, yet not one of them was cleansed—only Naaman the Syrian.”
Two things stick out to me. First, that a prophet is not accepted in his hometown. I guess because we are human and judgemental. AND because no one is without sin. It's easy to go to another town and "appear" to be a bit more "cleansed". However, in our home town, everyone knows our "garbage". They know our story, good and bad. Therefore, it's harder for them to accept us for who we are in Christ. Hmmm..... Somehow, I'm left thinking that I'm on both the giving and receiving end of this one!
And then, the widow at Zarephath. Honestly, I didn't even know she was mentioned here! The perspective this lends, adds to some work I've done lately about how God "goes out of his way" to bless. (especially women) Several times Jesus traveled out of his way to intentionally bless someone. But I hadn't thought about Elijah doing that... For now, I'll stay the course of my reading, but you can bet that I'm heading back to Elijah's days to see if there are other spots like this one! Don't get the point wrong here. I think he's really trying to say that Elijah didn't receive an open welcome in his town to bless people, so God sent him away during the famine.
Not so sure I'm getting my thoughts across clearly tonight! Sorry if I caused more confusion than doing good! Must be because my brain was at rest today!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Lysa is coming... the billboard...
Ok - One more exciting thing about the conference.
We are going to try a billboard. Many times when talking with women of the area, they have never heard of COMPEL... SO, we're putting up a billboard along I-29. (By the Floyd Monument going North for those of you from Sioux City!)
This is a first for us, and we're nervous, as the money isn't necessarily in the budget. However, we feel like God is nudging us, and that he will provide. Perhaps just one will come from the sign. One that needs to be still in his presence, one that doesn't know him, one that... (who knows!)
So... if you're from Sioux City, or passing through... Be on the lookout!! And... certainly be in prayer for the women making decision on whether to come!
We are going to try a billboard. Many times when talking with women of the area, they have never heard of COMPEL... SO, we're putting up a billboard along I-29. (By the Floyd Monument going North for those of you from Sioux City!)
This is a first for us, and we're nervous, as the money isn't necessarily in the budget. However, we feel like God is nudging us, and that he will provide. Perhaps just one will come from the sign. One that needs to be still in his presence, one that doesn't know him, one that... (who knows!)
So... if you're from Sioux City, or passing through... Be on the lookout!! And... certainly be in prayer for the women making decision on whether to come!
Prayer ...

So... grace is in order for my Friday post. You see, I had the chance to spend the day, yes, the entire day in prayer. Thanks so much to my friend Shery for organizing an incredible day to pray, worship, and read God's word. WOW....
In Nehemiah 9:3 we read...
They stood in their places and confessed their sins and the sins of their ancestors. 3 They stood where they were and read from the Book of the Law of the LORD their God for a quarter of the day, and spent another quarter in confession and in worshiping the LORD their God.
So 6 hours of the "Law" and 6 hours of confession and worshipping... (OK - I didn't get 6 of each, but I got close, totaling 9 :-) I'm still processing the glory of it, and how he whispered to me! I'm also anticipating that as I listen, he'll draw nearer... (Can you sense my excitement???)
I count it a blessing to have a husband who is so supportive. The kids didn't have school and it was his birthday, but he counted it a blessing to be able to spend the day alone with them. Said it was one of his best birthdays! We met up with Kendra, Kris and Matt in Sioux Falls, and had our entire family around the dinner table to celebrate!
SO.... my Friday post, is now my Saturday post. And guess what.... It has to do with prayer. (Did you smile?)
Today we're on Mark 4-14....
In Mark 11:17 Jesus had entered the temple and saw many buying and selling. And he got upset... overturning tables and benches... and he said...
Is it not written: "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations."
As I reflect on "his house", I'm reminded of the modern day church. It's been on my heart for SO long that we don't pray enough in all of our churches. Prayer meetings are seen as boring and not attended, or at times obligatory, but not entered with a heart prepared to seek the Lord.
I want not just my house, but every house to be called a temple of prayer. My church house, and the home I'm raising my kids in, and anywhere else that prayer is offered up! I want it for ALL nations. Not just for my little comfort zone here in Northwest Iowa, but for ALL nations. Those that face persecution get it at times. Their hearts are so hungry when they enter into prayer. Because I have it easy, many times I fear that I don't apperciate it for the blessing that it is. What does a true house of prayer look like?
I envision it (now, keep in mind, this is one women's interpretation) being non-stop. That everything I do has a spirit of prayer over it. As I'm pouring my kids cereal, at the office, driving them to activities, etc. For each step of my day, my God feel and hear my prayers.
I have a cool story from yesterday...
I was in Sioux City, so Tom, little kids, and Matt drove to Sioux Falls, and I met them there. I had talked to them on the phone, and as soon as I hung up, I felt this strong sense that I should pray for their safety. (5 of the 7 of my family in one car without me...) So, as I drove and worshipped I pleaded for their safe travel.
Later, Tom told me that they had nearly been in a bad accident. Apparently some kid was texting and was all the way over on their side of the road, with no place for them to go because it dropped of... He looked up for just a second and was able to correct just before he hit them...
Now, I don't know that this was right when I was praying, but I do believe that God put it on my heart for a reason. I'm so thankful that I was obedient to his prompting!
Today, I'm inspired to pray. To embrace my God in the way he's asked us to...
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Day 3- we're on Mattthew 21 - Mark 3...

Ok - so it's a cartoon... but, to me, it's the modern day version of the disciples fleeing from Jesus. In Matthew 26:56b we read.. "Then all the disciples deserted him and fled." This is right after he is betrayed and is being captured. help but think of the he disciples fled... persecution taht we anticipate in the end times. T
The disciples deserted him... The same people he walked with and talked with. He loved them. He wept over them. And they DESERTED HIM.... Fear of man... And I wonder why I have it! As I read this, I couldn't help but to think of this as we consider the persecution of the end times. Seriously, the disciples fled... What makes me think that should the end come today that I would be strong enough in my faith to stand firm?
A bit later we read about Peter - who follow him at a distance. Now, Jesus had told him that he would deny him 3 times (and he did). But, at best, he was able to follow him in the distance. (So much for living boldly huh?)
OK - so sarcasim aside, this portion of scripture convicted me that I always need to pressing in to know him more. If I want to be prepared for persecution, I MUST continue to know him better. (So that I don't flee!)
"Father God... create in me a devoted heart. Help me to stand by you, regardless of the circumstances. I'm reminded tonight of students being shot at Columbine, Colorado for standing up to you. While we may think that we'd be that brave, God I ask that you continue to challenge me to draw closer to you. May I not get lazy in "thinking" that I'm ok with you and may I continue to be hungry for more. I don't want to deny you even once Lord... Give me a pure heart for you and you alone!"

Ok - so it's a cartoon... but, to me, it's the modern day version of the disciples fleeing from Jesus. In Matthew 26:56b we read.. "Then all the disciples deserted him and fled." This is right after he is betrayed and is being captured. help but think of the he disciples fled... persecution taht we anticipate in the end times. T
The disciples deserted him... The same people he walked with and talked with. He loved them. He wept over them. And they DESERTED HIM.... Fear of man... And I wonder why I have it! As I read this, I couldn't help but to think of this as we consider the persecution of the end times. Seriously, the disciples fled... What makes me think that should the end come today that I would be strong enough in my faith to stand firm?
A bit later we read about Peter - who follow him at a distance. Now, Jesus had told him that he would deny him 3 times (and he did). But, at best, he was able to follow him in the distance. (So much for living boldly huh?)
OK - so sarcasim aside, this portion of scripture convicted me that I always need to pressing in to know him more. If I want to be prepared for persecution, I MUST continue to know him better. (So that I don't flee!)
"Father God... create in me a devoted heart. Help me to stand by you, regardless of the circumstances. I'm reminded tonight of students being shot at Columbine, Colorado for standing up to you. While we may think that we'd be that brave, God I ask that you continue to challenge me to draw closer to you. May I not get lazy in "thinking" that I'm ok with you and may I continue to be hungry for more. I don't want to deny you even once Lord... Give me a pure heart for you and you alone!"
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
My Heart...
So... it's day two of my 30 day bible reading challenge.
Today, I'm stuck on the condition of my heart.

In Matthew 15:8-9
"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."
WOW.... does that speak to me. It is the desire of my heart, the it would be close to God. Yet I know, that at times I am only honoring him with my lips, while my heart is cold and hard.
And my worship??? Well, it seems that at times it depends on where I am. For me, lately, church has been one of the more restricted places of worship. Totally fear of man! I'm letting the rules taught by men limit my worship for him in his house.... Ugh!!! I want to worship with reckless abandon and let my heart seek him completely, regardless of where I am!
"God... give me the confidence to loosen the fear of man. May I seek you and your approval alone. It's so easy to say here, sitting at my computer, sipping on my Diet Coke. But God, why do I make it so hard when I'm out in the world.... Nudge me when I'm letting the world get the best of me. I want my worship and my heart, everything about me to reflect more of you!"
Today, I'm stuck on the condition of my heart.

In Matthew 15:8-9
"These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.
They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men."
WOW.... does that speak to me. It is the desire of my heart, the it would be close to God. Yet I know, that at times I am only honoring him with my lips, while my heart is cold and hard.
And my worship??? Well, it seems that at times it depends on where I am. For me, lately, church has been one of the more restricted places of worship. Totally fear of man! I'm letting the rules taught by men limit my worship for him in his house.... Ugh!!! I want to worship with reckless abandon and let my heart seek him completely, regardless of where I am!
"God... give me the confidence to loosen the fear of man. May I seek you and your approval alone. It's so easy to say here, sitting at my computer, sipping on my Diet Coke. But God, why do I make it so hard when I'm out in the world.... Nudge me when I'm letting the world get the best of me. I want my worship and my heart, everything about me to reflect more of you!"
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Wanna read the BIBLE????
I LOVE A CHALLENGE!!! How about you... Well, if so, have I got one for you!
It started last night when I was driving to Sioux City for a Compel meeting. I was listening to some teaching on my IPOD, and was totally reviatlized!
The speaker hit on some things that totally spoke to me. The one that I'm SO excited about was a challenge in reading our bibles. He talked about how most people, if you asked them would say that they read the bible. But, if you dug deeper, we would see that the "thought" of reading the bible is more prevalent than actually reading it. He challenged to spend 1 hour a day reading it. (Seriously, I know I have that time in my day, I just need to prioritize it!)
But then he hit on what REALLY got me going... Did you know that if you read:
10 Chapters a day
6 Days a week
For 1 month....
You see, when I read my bible, I always feel like I'm wandering here and there. Hunting and pecking.... As I read, I'm either looking for something specific, or I feel like I'm not hitting on what I'm suppose to be (For the most part... at times, I get delightfully surprised!)
SO.... the thought of a one month plan to read through is awesome to me. 10 chapters is totally doable!
Now.... don't get me wrong. I'm not talking about just reading words on the page to say I've got my reading done. He challenged me to pray prior to even opening the bible. God, guide me as I read and highlight what it is that you have for me. Reveal to me what you would speak to me today, with where I am in my life..." (I think you get what I'm saying!)
SO.... I'm embarking on this journey (as of last night!) DOES ANYONE WANT TO JOIN ME????
I would love to have you join me in reading and posting. My plan is to post here. Each day I will share what particular thing God highlighted for me that day. Then, I'd LOVE for you to share your comments, or just ask for accountability. When we're done, we'll have an awesome log of how God was speaking to us in the New Testament. For such a time as this! It will be great prep for our conference in January!
I'd LOVE to hear from you! (and know that you're there to hold me accountable if nothing else!)
So.... Here goes...
Day 1 - Matthew Ch. 1-10
I was worried as I read that I wasn't going to have anything to write on the first day! Then I got to Matthew 10:37-39 -
"Anyone who loves his father or mother mroe than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and he whoever loses his life for my sake will find it."
WOW..... As a mom, this hit at the heart level. In my mind, I know that my priorities should be 1)God, 2) Family, and 3) work.... Lots of times in my life I had this order messed up (with work as #1) But... if I really check my heart.... I think there are MANY times, when I love my kids more than I think I love God. They are precious to me, and I will drop almost anything to be there for them. To make them smile, and hear them giggle. I've always known that god wants that from me. But.... as I read this, it really stuck out that God says we're not worthy of him.... Thank heavens we have a gracious God! But.... this to me was a great reminder of how we should prioritize. He wants me to be a good mom. BUT.... I will be the best mom I can be if I let him come first and be my center....
"God, I pray that you'll give me gentle reminders of how to prioritize my life. Help me Lord to put you as my first love. You are so good, and gracious! May I find renewed energy and zeal for more and more of you!"
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