So today I am posting about 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. No apologies today for being a day late. The flu is still working it's way through, and I'm at the point where I'm happy just be keeping my head above water:-)
Good news is, I've been pondering this verse since Thursday morning...
2 Tim. 2:1
"You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
Be strong.... His grace covers us, and we have the promise of eternal life. He forgives our sins and makes us white as snow... but... "be strong?" The foot note in my bible talked about how we are not only saved by grace, but that we should live by grace.
In Colossians 2:6 we read...
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Continue to live in him, live by grace. Strengthened in faith, overflowing wtih thankfulness. That's a lot to think about! The mere fact that his grace abounds time and time again should help us to realize that we need to trust in Jesus. He sent His Spirit, who is always with us and is able to do more than he... When they do I try so often to do things on my own? Why don't I allow him to "strengthen" me. To give me wisdom, revelation, everything I need. My strength and my very being should come from him!
As I think back to the tail end of this little flu bug I'm fighting off, I think about how weak I've been. Literally, there were times when standing up made me feel light headed and like I might pass out. I associate that same type of feeling when I am operating on "all me" and ignoring the Holy Spirit at work in my life. I end up in a panic of emotions and attacks from Satan that have my mind spinning. When I was sick and felt this way, life has taught me I need to eat some crackers and try to get a bit of liquid in me. From a spiritual standpoint, when my strength is weak, I need to turn to Jesus and let him strengthen me...
"Lord, I'm overflowing with thankfulness for your strength at work in my life tonight. In so many ways, you provide for me day after day after day. Thank you. Thank you for accepting me and applying grace time and time again. Forgive my sin nature and strengthen me with more of you."
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