MERRY CHRISTMAS!! Hoping your celebration of the birth of our savior is going well! I was awake much of last night savoring our family Christmas eve and then remembering that so many are sad and struggle through the holidays. My heart is so heavy for those people, I pray blessings over each of them as they work their way through today!!
I'm hoping some of you were blessed with tickets to this years event coming up soon! The details are coming together and the prayer team is already praying for those of you that have signed up!!
If you don't have your ticket already make sure you sign up early. We had a minor glitch with amazon last week, but everything seems to be running smoothly now! Our apologies if you were trying to sign up and encountered problems!
You can sign up at our website
Even before i can get Christmas completed I'm getting more excited about January. WOW. Did I dally just type that??? More to come!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Christmas - It's about the cross...

So... I have a big passion for sharing ways to keep Christ in Christmas. So many times the holidays get hectic and we're so wrapped up in the great activities (I mean that in the kindest way possible... They are really great events...) that we don't take time to slow down... to be still... and to know that He is God. Really. Stop and think about it. When in the last month have you been still and just listened for his voice. (Especially without that nagging voice checking off things to get done!)
As we close in on Christmas, I'm want to share a youtube link with you. This is a great song, that reminds us of our eternal life! Blessings to you and your family as we make final preparations for the arrival of our "king."
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Resurrection... Rolls.
OK - It didn't take me too long to find something "else" to share. Christmas is right around the corner, and many of us are starting to think about "what to feed them." You may not know this about me, but I have a HUGE passion for keeping Christ in Christmas, and am always on the lookout for new ideas! Anyway... I was reading blogs this morning (because of the snow storm, I didn't have to run out to my scheduled volunteer opportunities, so I'm in my jammies reading and sipping coffee!) and came across this and felt prompted to share!
So... I recently joined a blog site called "She cooks" ( from LeAnn Rice at Proverbs 31. Today on her post she had ideas for Christmas morning breakfast. This is a receipe that I made for my family recently, but didn't know they were called this.
I'm so excited for the Christmas season, but one of my passions is helping my kids (and some adults) learn to really celebrate why we have Christmas and that it is more than head knowledge, but becomes heart felt. This is just another small tradition that we can share to help us remember...
He came as a baby, with a virgin birth. That moment, a miracle.
However, an annointed baby - awesome, but a risen savior, now that's what it's about.
He died on the cross for us... again, what a price to pay.
But.... the real reason, the real gift, the real everything...
Defeating satan and rising from the dead, so that we have ETERNAL life...
That our sins and yuck could be forgiven
And we could one day join Him in His perfection.
LeAnn’s Favorite Christmas Breakfast Idea
It may sound odd but I always make Resurrection Rolls for our Christmas breakfast. (I make them for Easter, too.) To me, on Christmas we celebrate the gift of Hope. Hope came to us wrapped in swaddling cloth. But He was born to die. Jesus died so that we may truly live. I remember this ultimate gift and ultimate sacrifice by making Resurrection Rolls for Christmas each year. They are easy to make and they provide a great opportunity to share the story of His resurrection with others. Here’s the recipe:

Resurrection Rolls
1 container large crescent roll dough (not the regular size – they won’t work)
½ stick butter, melted
8 large marshmallows
Cinnamon sugar mixture (purchase the mix or combine 1 teaspoon cinnamon for every tablespoon of sugar)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Separate the dough triangles. (This represents the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.)
Take a marshmallow. (This represents Jesus.)
Dip the marshmallow in melted butter and roll to coat. (This represents the oils of embalming.)
Dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon-sugar mixture and coat evenly. (This represents the spices used to anoint His body.)
Wrap up the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll to seal the marshmallow inside. (This represents the wrapping of Jesus’ body after death.)
Place on a cookie sheet and place in the preheated oven for the length of time indicated on the crescent roll package. (The oven represents the tomb.)
When the rolls have cooked and cooled slightly, bite into the rolls and discover that Jesus is no longer there, HE IS RISEN! (The marshmallow melts and the crescent roll is puffed up, but empty!)
These rolls are not only a delicious Christmas breakfast, they are another opportunity to give praise and thanks for the ultimate Christmas present. Serve them with some fresh fruit and hot chocolate.
So... I recently joined a blog site called "She cooks" ( from LeAnn Rice at Proverbs 31. Today on her post she had ideas for Christmas morning breakfast. This is a receipe that I made for my family recently, but didn't know they were called this.
I'm so excited for the Christmas season, but one of my passions is helping my kids (and some adults) learn to really celebrate why we have Christmas and that it is more than head knowledge, but becomes heart felt. This is just another small tradition that we can share to help us remember...
He came as a baby, with a virgin birth. That moment, a miracle.
However, an annointed baby - awesome, but a risen savior, now that's what it's about.
He died on the cross for us... again, what a price to pay.
But.... the real reason, the real gift, the real everything...
Defeating satan and rising from the dead, so that we have ETERNAL life...
That our sins and yuck could be forgiven
And we could one day join Him in His perfection.
LeAnn’s Favorite Christmas Breakfast Idea
It may sound odd but I always make Resurrection Rolls for our Christmas breakfast. (I make them for Easter, too.) To me, on Christmas we celebrate the gift of Hope. Hope came to us wrapped in swaddling cloth. But He was born to die. Jesus died so that we may truly live. I remember this ultimate gift and ultimate sacrifice by making Resurrection Rolls for Christmas each year. They are easy to make and they provide a great opportunity to share the story of His resurrection with others. Here’s the recipe:

Resurrection Rolls
1 container large crescent roll dough (not the regular size – they won’t work)
½ stick butter, melted
8 large marshmallows
Cinnamon sugar mixture (purchase the mix or combine 1 teaspoon cinnamon for every tablespoon of sugar)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Separate the dough triangles. (This represents the cloth that Jesus was wrapped in.)
Take a marshmallow. (This represents Jesus.)
Dip the marshmallow in melted butter and roll to coat. (This represents the oils of embalming.)
Dip the buttered marshmallow in the cinnamon-sugar mixture and coat evenly. (This represents the spices used to anoint His body.)
Wrap up the coated marshmallow tightly in the crescent roll to seal the marshmallow inside. (This represents the wrapping of Jesus’ body after death.)
Place on a cookie sheet and place in the preheated oven for the length of time indicated on the crescent roll package. (The oven represents the tomb.)
When the rolls have cooked and cooled slightly, bite into the rolls and discover that Jesus is no longer there, HE IS RISEN! (The marshmallow melts and the crescent roll is puffed up, but empty!)
These rolls are not only a delicious Christmas breakfast, they are another opportunity to give praise and thanks for the ultimate Christmas present. Serve them with some fresh fruit and hot chocolate.
Friday, December 10, 2010
I'm in Love...

So, those of you that know me are thinking... awe, isn't that sweet... BUT... this time I'm not talking about my dear sweet husband. (Although I love him to infinity and beyond too!) I'm talking about Revelation. You know... the last book of the bible. The one for years many of us have been afraid to read. The one that up until recently when Tom and I did a Beth Moore study (yes... you read that right! My husband did a Beth Moore study with me:-) I thought was so full of things I could never understand that it was hard for me to push my way through it. (BTW - If you haven't done Beth Moore's Revelation study - I consider it a MUST for every christian. Very solid on presenting all the views from the commentaries and explaining how they arrived at that view!)
Anyway... I'm now loving the book of Revelation. Over the last few days, I've decided to read it in a variety of bibles and translations. As I've read through the new testament right after completing this study, I'm amazed at how God has opened my eyes to the number of references it contains to the end times. So many things are linked from the old testament to the new testament, right into Revelation. Very cool!
During our study, this was our memory verse...
Rev 17:14
They will wage war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will triumph over them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings—and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers.”
(which by the way, I'm still working on!)
I guess with all the cool things in Revelation, I love this verse because it is truly the heart of who we are as Christians; and with him (Jesus) will be his called, chosen and faithful followers (THAT'S US LADIES!!!) So, Satan can have a hay day for the time being on Earth. BUT, Jesus IS coming again, victorious AGAIN, overcoming and we will be with him.
Now, no promises that it will be all roses and blossoms. It's going to be a rough road to get there. We are going to have troubles. No doubt about that. But, whether it's today, tomorrow, next month, next year, in the next generation, or the generation after that... whenever it's time for Jesus to come again... as a faithful follower, we get to be with him and join him. AND then.... we get to live eternity in the Glory of God the Father. WOW.... really - WOW. Not just sweet songs and quietness, but joy and adoration. Rejoicing. No more sorrow, no more pain. (WHoot - Hoot!)
Someone once told me to read Revelation out loud like a story. I did this a few years ago sitting in a wooded area on a mini-retreat with my bible study. My friend Deanne and I took turns reading and listening. It was awesome. My hope is that this weekend, as a way of concluding this 30 day journey, that I can find some quiet time to do that again. To take it in.
So... this is the end of my 30 day journey. Guess you're all stuck with me going back to my random blogs! We'll see what God puts on my heart for that piece! I'm thinking that I'll post some things from Lysa's book - Becoming more than a good bible study girl.
Monday, December 6, 2010
The Last hour...
Hello again...
We're getting so close to the end of the New Testament! Woo-Hoo!
Today's reading was I Peter: 3-5, 2 Peter, and 1 John
I paused today at 1 John 2:18 - 19
18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
I think this sticks out from a recent Beth Moore bible study that we did. In it, she pointed out that their have been and will be several anti-christs. This verse talks about that very thing - even now many antichrists have come.
I found her point really interesting and as I read this tonight, it flooded back to me. You see, only God knows when the second coming is. So... Satan has to always be prepared, and continue to send anti-christs. Who the one-great anti-christ is, we do not know... But we can bet that Satan will continue to put obstacles in our way.
All this isn't to scare us. It's to continue to encourage us to read his word and to know it and what he says. When the false teachers are trying to lead us astray, we need to be firmly rooted in His truth!
"Father God, thank you for the bible. You give us truth in your own god breathed manner so that we can know what is from you and what is from man. I pray that you'd give us wisdom in our difficult days to turn toward your word and your holy spirits promptings. Lead us and guide us toward you and away from things that are not of you!"
We're getting so close to the end of the New Testament! Woo-Hoo!
Today's reading was I Peter: 3-5, 2 Peter, and 1 John
I paused today at 1 John 2:18 - 19
18 Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. 19 They went out from us, but they did not really belong to us. For if they had belonged to us, they would have remained with us; but their going showed that none of them belonged to us.
I think this sticks out from a recent Beth Moore bible study that we did. In it, she pointed out that their have been and will be several anti-christs. This verse talks about that very thing - even now many antichrists have come.
I found her point really interesting and as I read this tonight, it flooded back to me. You see, only God knows when the second coming is. So... Satan has to always be prepared, and continue to send anti-christs. Who the one-great anti-christ is, we do not know... But we can bet that Satan will continue to put obstacles in our way.
All this isn't to scare us. It's to continue to encourage us to read his word and to know it and what he says. When the false teachers are trying to lead us astray, we need to be firmly rooted in His truth!
"Father God, thank you for the bible. You give us truth in your own god breathed manner so that we can know what is from you and what is from man. I pray that you'd give us wisdom in our difficult days to turn toward your word and your holy spirits promptings. Lead us and guide us toward you and away from things that are not of you!"
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Water symbolizes baptism... Three small but powerful words.

This is a piece of artwork by Thomas duBois. Tom and I have this set of 4, which we fell in love with years ago, and managed to get for each others as gifts over the first years of our marriage. I look at this piece daily, and tonight, it takes on special meaning...
I'm sitting here tonight and pondering how I missed so many things for so long in my lifetime. I had intended to write about how many things I LOVED reading in Hebrews yesterday...
And then, doing today's reading (Hebres 11 - 1 Peter 2) I read into 1 Peter 3. And at the end of Chapter 3, I read this...
1 Peter 3:20-21
20 to those who were disobedient long ago when God waited patiently in the days of Noah while the ark was being built. In it only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, 21 and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also—not the removal of dirt from the body but the pledge of a clear conscience toward God.[a] It saves you by the resurrection of Jesus Christ,
SO... I'm sure that many of you got this before, and I'm just a bit slow in catching on... but seriously, I NEVER realized that the significance of baptism stretched back to Noah. Don't ask me why I never questioned why John the Baptist would do it... I just assumed he was moved int he spirit to do so!
God waited for Noah to build the ark for 120 years (I think...) and gave people time to change and believe.
The flood separated Noah from the lost and gave him a new life. Hmmm... the same is said of our spiritual baptism.
And was it 9 complete months he was out there before landing on the mountain? This is a stretch, but it seems like seeing the mountains and hitting ground is a bit like being "born again."
8 in all saved, to me has revelance to how it will be in the end times. Eight of Noah's out of how many people? So to, will it likely be for Christians as a % of the population...
WOW, WOW, WOW... (Ok - so if you're appalled I'm just getting this, I'm sorry!) But seriously, why don't we talk about this piece at some point during our baptism ceremonies????? (Then the slow ones like me would get it:-)
This piece has me a bit undone tonight. I'm digging into the commentaries and cross references in amazement! I think this is on my list of "dig really deep..." items.
"God thank you for new revelations. Thanks for answering that prayer of opening my eyes so faithfully. Continue to teach me things that are new to me... I'm ok with being humbled! And thank you for the promise of your holy spirit and it's cleansing in our baptism. Thank you for transforming us and bringing us out of the old and into the new."
Friday, December 3, 2010
Be Strong!

So today I am posting about 2 Timothy, Titus and Philemon. No apologies today for being a day late. The flu is still working it's way through, and I'm at the point where I'm happy just be keeping my head above water:-)
Good news is, I've been pondering this verse since Thursday morning...
2 Tim. 2:1
"You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."
Be strong.... His grace covers us, and we have the promise of eternal life. He forgives our sins and makes us white as snow... but... "be strong?" The foot note in my bible talked about how we are not only saved by grace, but that we should live by grace.
In Colossians 2:6 we read...
"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."
Continue to live in him, live by grace. Strengthened in faith, overflowing wtih thankfulness. That's a lot to think about! The mere fact that his grace abounds time and time again should help us to realize that we need to trust in Jesus. He sent His Spirit, who is always with us and is able to do more than he... When they do I try so often to do things on my own? Why don't I allow him to "strengthen" me. To give me wisdom, revelation, everything I need. My strength and my very being should come from him!
As I think back to the tail end of this little flu bug I'm fighting off, I think about how weak I've been. Literally, there were times when standing up made me feel light headed and like I might pass out. I associate that same type of feeling when I am operating on "all me" and ignoring the Holy Spirit at work in my life. I end up in a panic of emotions and attacks from Satan that have my mind spinning. When I was sick and felt this way, life has taught me I need to eat some crackers and try to get a bit of liquid in me. From a spiritual standpoint, when my strength is weak, I need to turn to Jesus and let him strengthen me...
"Lord, I'm overflowing with thankfulness for your strength at work in my life tonight. In so many ways, you provide for me day after day after day. Thank you. Thank you for accepting me and applying grace time and time again. Forgive my sin nature and strengthen me with more of you."
Thursday, December 2, 2010
So we raise up holy hands...
Hello today to all our friends joining us from the Proverbs 31/Lysa TerKeurst blog. What a treat to have you stop by! To our regular readers, Lysa mentioned our conference in her blog today! ( (And gave each of you a bit of insight on some of the "real" things she'll be talking about.)
A question I get often is who is our conference for. We intend for our conference to be for all women. We're not particular about what church you go to or if you don't go to church at all. What we care about is sharing the love of Jesus to women right where they are in their everyday life. For some, they have been walking out their spiritual journey for years, for others, the conference may be the first time they have experienced Jesus and felt him touch their hearts. Come from near, or come from afar, just come... and soak in his presence and be blessed. That is our heart. That each who attend will leave feeling touched in a special way!
I am so blessed by our leadership team. They are truly women of prayer.... For quite some time already we have been in prayer for each person who would attend. As soon as women register, we're sharing the list with each other so that we can pray for them by name. Lysa and Holly, we're lifting you up as well. I'm telling you, these ladies are awesome prayer warriors and I'm blessed to be a part of them! (and then we have a whole separate prayer team, who rocks as well! Thank you Jesus!)
For the past bit, I have been doing an exercise in digging into the word. I was listening to a teaching series on the power of a focused life, and was moved by this piece. If we ask Christians if they read their bible, of course we say "yes." BUT... how much time are we truly spending in the word each day? (More than with tv?) The speaker went on to say that for many of us, it's hard to just know where to start. The whole I'm just going to open it and read where God leads, leaves many feeling that they are missing something... SO... he shared this. Did you know that if you read 10 chapters a day, 6 days a week, that you will have read the entire new testament in 30 days??? I'm a goal setter kind of girl, so that really hit me! Now.. somedays 10 chapters is alot... Especially if you're going to let it soak in at all. However, having a goal in mind has really helped me reprioritize my time. Because I've done some life coaching, I also know that 30 days is the amount of time it takes to form a new habit. So.... I'm on the journey. Reading my 10 chapters a day (with some grace applied - I'm human and I'm a mom, a wife, in ministry, etc.) and then blogging about what really stuck out to me!
I'm posting this morning from yesterday's reading, which was 2 Thess. & 1 Tim.
Ladies, let me tell you, there's a verse in here that I absolutely LOVE...
1 Timothy 2:8 -
"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."

I remember when I first came to church with my husband while we were dating. I came from a very conservative background, and people everywhere in his church were raising their hands and singing. Then they asked us to get into small groups and pray "out loud" together (I was mortified and just passed when my "turn" came.) After the service... his son was wrestling with someone... in the sanctuary (Gasp.....) This was WAY out of my comfort zone! My, how God has worked on me since that time.
God wants us to worship him. That means different things to different people. However, I hold firm that it's hard to let our hearts be completely free with him if we have anger or disputes. So many times in my life, I've seen others abandonded in prayer and worship and asked God.... 1) what's up with them? That can't be for real - which really meant - 2) God I'm jealous of how they can give themselves competely to you so I am going to judge their actions.
In the last few years, God has taught me a lot about lifting up hands in prayer. Not only in acceptance in how people worship, but also in entering his presence with a right heart. You see, when I was so busy worrying about others experience, it was ME that was preventing me from worshipping and praying to God all out. It wasn't him. I needed to change my posture. I needed to examine my heart and realize that whatever bitterness I was harboring was keeping me from getting closer to him. God calls me to love others. When I'm not operating in love, I'm out of his will for me. (which, by the way happens daily:-( But again, he's a God of grace!)
"Thank you Jesus for inviting us to worship you. For loving our prayers and for the reassurance that worship and prayer can go together. Wow God. For me, much worship and prayer happens to music and I so thank you for the beautiful gifts you've given so many in leading music. (and thank you for nice car trips where I can really let lose!) When I'm still before you Lord, you move my inner being. Thank you for the quiet times, when I can hear from you. I continue to be amazed by you. So today,we raise up holy hands, to praise the holy, who was and is, and is to come..."
A question I get often is who is our conference for. We intend for our conference to be for all women. We're not particular about what church you go to or if you don't go to church at all. What we care about is sharing the love of Jesus to women right where they are in their everyday life. For some, they have been walking out their spiritual journey for years, for others, the conference may be the first time they have experienced Jesus and felt him touch their hearts. Come from near, or come from afar, just come... and soak in his presence and be blessed. That is our heart. That each who attend will leave feeling touched in a special way!
I am so blessed by our leadership team. They are truly women of prayer.... For quite some time already we have been in prayer for each person who would attend. As soon as women register, we're sharing the list with each other so that we can pray for them by name. Lysa and Holly, we're lifting you up as well. I'm telling you, these ladies are awesome prayer warriors and I'm blessed to be a part of them! (and then we have a whole separate prayer team, who rocks as well! Thank you Jesus!)
For the past bit, I have been doing an exercise in digging into the word. I was listening to a teaching series on the power of a focused life, and was moved by this piece. If we ask Christians if they read their bible, of course we say "yes." BUT... how much time are we truly spending in the word each day? (More than with tv?) The speaker went on to say that for many of us, it's hard to just know where to start. The whole I'm just going to open it and read where God leads, leaves many feeling that they are missing something... SO... he shared this. Did you know that if you read 10 chapters a day, 6 days a week, that you will have read the entire new testament in 30 days??? I'm a goal setter kind of girl, so that really hit me! Now.. somedays 10 chapters is alot... Especially if you're going to let it soak in at all. However, having a goal in mind has really helped me reprioritize my time. Because I've done some life coaching, I also know that 30 days is the amount of time it takes to form a new habit. So.... I'm on the journey. Reading my 10 chapters a day (with some grace applied - I'm human and I'm a mom, a wife, in ministry, etc.) and then blogging about what really stuck out to me!
I'm posting this morning from yesterday's reading, which was 2 Thess. & 1 Tim.
Ladies, let me tell you, there's a verse in here that I absolutely LOVE...
1 Timothy 2:8 -
"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."

I remember when I first came to church with my husband while we were dating. I came from a very conservative background, and people everywhere in his church were raising their hands and singing. Then they asked us to get into small groups and pray "out loud" together (I was mortified and just passed when my "turn" came.) After the service... his son was wrestling with someone... in the sanctuary (Gasp.....) This was WAY out of my comfort zone! My, how God has worked on me since that time.
God wants us to worship him. That means different things to different people. However, I hold firm that it's hard to let our hearts be completely free with him if we have anger or disputes. So many times in my life, I've seen others abandonded in prayer and worship and asked God.... 1) what's up with them? That can't be for real - which really meant - 2) God I'm jealous of how they can give themselves competely to you so I am going to judge their actions.
In the last few years, God has taught me a lot about lifting up hands in prayer. Not only in acceptance in how people worship, but also in entering his presence with a right heart. You see, when I was so busy worrying about others experience, it was ME that was preventing me from worshipping and praying to God all out. It wasn't him. I needed to change my posture. I needed to examine my heart and realize that whatever bitterness I was harboring was keeping me from getting closer to him. God calls me to love others. When I'm not operating in love, I'm out of his will for me. (which, by the way happens daily:-( But again, he's a God of grace!)
"Thank you Jesus for inviting us to worship you. For loving our prayers and for the reassurance that worship and prayer can go together. Wow God. For me, much worship and prayer happens to music and I so thank you for the beautiful gifts you've given so many in leading music. (and thank you for nice car trips where I can really let lose!) When I'm still before you Lord, you move my inner being. Thank you for the quiet times, when I can hear from you. I continue to be amazed by you. So today,we raise up holy hands, to praise the holy, who was and is, and is to come..."
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I'll pour my love on you...
So, the flu has been making it's way through our house, and today it stopped at me. Needless to say, I spent the day in 2 spots. One was a very comfy couch in our basement. (I won't divulge the other:-)
As I was weak and tired and struggling, God made it so clear to me what awesome kids I have, and how much they love me. Seriously, if I had the energy, I'd have been in tears.
The boys had early out Wednesday, and Caleb didn't want to go to his normal "sitter". He wanted to come home with me... cuz he didn't want me to have to be alone. So, he sat by me quietly and read. Wow! What an angel!
Then, Emma gets home. She was such a little mother. Honestly, I felt like one of her dollies and she just lavished love on me.
And after church Carter comes down and just holds me close. Asks me if I'm doing better.
You know, there are a lot of days when I think that I'm not doing such a great job as a mom. I get crabby over little things and yell to much, and, and, and...
Today, the love these 3 (and Tom!) lavished on me was so affirming. "Thank you God for blessing me with such a great family! Thank you that how they covered me with their love today is but a taste of the goodness and love that you have for me. Thank you, that even in the midst of the yucky's you can open my eyes to blessing. You are such an awesome Father!"
As I was weak and tired and struggling, God made it so clear to me what awesome kids I have, and how much they love me. Seriously, if I had the energy, I'd have been in tears.
The boys had early out Wednesday, and Caleb didn't want to go to his normal "sitter". He wanted to come home with me... cuz he didn't want me to have to be alone. So, he sat by me quietly and read. Wow! What an angel!
Then, Emma gets home. She was such a little mother. Honestly, I felt like one of her dollies and she just lavished love on me.
And after church Carter comes down and just holds me close. Asks me if I'm doing better.
You know, there are a lot of days when I think that I'm not doing such a great job as a mom. I get crabby over little things and yell to much, and, and, and...
Today, the love these 3 (and Tom!) lavished on me was so affirming. "Thank you God for blessing me with such a great family! Thank you that how they covered me with their love today is but a taste of the goodness and love that you have for me. Thank you, that even in the midst of the yucky's you can open my eyes to blessing. You are such an awesome Father!"
As far as reading goes, well.... I made 7 chapters. So, I'm going go finish in bed, and hopefully tomorrow morning will hold more strength... and a post from me!
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